Why Is Video Conferencing Gaining Grounds in Education Sector?

3 minutes read
Why Is Video Conferencing Gaining Grounds in Education Sector

Video Conferencing is booming in every industrial sector. Let it be medical, healthcare, education, agriculture, or computer/software. This one technology has made things so easy and simple that anyone from anywhere can get connected with a community of people for communication, or content sharing.

When we talk about video conferencing and its advancements, what hits your mind? Education, right? Video conferencing technology has brought a revolution in the education sector which has open the doors for learning and practicing to an extreme level. As we say, the sky’s the limit, this technology has proved it.

There are remarkable video conferencing solutions available around the web assisting various schools or private institutes in teaching a group of students resident in different vicinities.

So, how beneficial video conferencing is to the education sector? Check out the benefits below;

Increase in Online Education: According to a statistical report, the number of U.S students enrolling in online courses increased by 5.6% between 2015 and 2016. And, it is going to remain this way in the year 2018. Not only in the USA or other foreign countries but this has become a trend in India too.

No wonder, that education system in India is improving. Today, it is not limited to theoretical knowledge. Students are now open to practical knowledge also wherein they learn new concepts online in-depth and contemplate it by performing various experiments. There are a few schools in India which have step ahead towards visual learning giving students a great learning experience. Besides, a few of these schools have taken the initiative to educate children of rural areas for free to improve the literacy rate.

Expert Sessions: Earlier, experts used to visit schools to provide sessions on significant topics. But today, it has become much easier then we thought of. Experts can take some time out of their busy schedule and educate students on specific topics from wherever they are connected.

For instance; students often browse Google to search for an expert help and clear their queries. There are plethora of online learning platforms that offer freemium expert sessions to students through video conferencing especially to clear science concepts and mathematics formulas. Such online sessions create a huge impact on the overall growth of the students.

100% Students Attendance: Following the traditional schooling methods, students can certainly miss the most important lectures due to absence in class but how can we say this using modern teaching methods? This is one of the biggest advantage of visual learning.

Yes, that true that due to remaining absent, they miss the most important lectures and to learn that they have to request their teachers. But this is not the case in visual learning. Video conferencing solutions facilitates teachers to record the lectures and save it for the absent students. This helps students in gaining the same learning experience as in live sessions from their respected teachers.

Allow Students to Travel the World: It is not possible for the students to learn in different environment through traditional schooling method. Video conferencing has efface this problem and helped students reach out to different parts of the world and adapt their learning methodology to improve their learning skills.

This imbibing internet technology has given rise to distant learning course in which a student can learn from expert professors sitting at home online and increase his knowledge. Researchers say, 6% of all the students are enrolled in atleast one distance learning course. Furthermore, public institutes (schools and colleges) have noticed largest growth in online education registrations up 67.8% of all distance students.

Ending Note

That concludes the importance of video conferencing in education sector. Foreseeing the benefits of video conferencing, various schools have embraced this technology and employed it to educate local as well distant students with expert knowledge and training.

Ecosmob has the team of seasoned developers who have a good experience in developing customized video conferencing solutions. Drop your requirements at [email protected] or call us on 91-79-40054019 (India) / +1-303-997-3139 (USA) Our business development team will contact you as soon as possible.

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