Perks of Mobile App Development For Travel and Tourism Industry

Updated on: 14 May, 2024
Mobile App Development

In order to make traveling easier and to give the travelers a trouble-free experience, it is important to target the mobile friendly audience. For that, nothing can be better than developing a foolproof mobile app on very successful technology platforms such as Android or iOS.

Also, the term ‘travel’ is associated with mobility. Wouldn’t it be ironic if travel industry doesn’t use mobile technology? Today, when smartphones are being used by zillions of people every day, this industry can lose an easy profit without mobile applications. If you still want to give tourism app development a second thought, then refer some stats below:

  • Travel and tourism related mobile applications are one of the highest downloaded app categories
  • 15% download the mobile apps for particularly planning the forthcoming vacations
  • 29% of travelers use mobile apps to find the flight deals
  • While travelling abroad, 85% of leisure travelers use their smartphones for getting the relevant route related details
  • 30% of total travelers use various mobile apps to find the hotel deals for their accommodation

If you really want that your travelers have a good mobile app, then you can consider incorporating following attributes in your app:

  • Maps, GPS services and route planning
  • Ticket booking, Seat reservations
  • Providing shopping for travel essentials (eCommerce module)
  • Overseas banking
  • Notifying about travel updates
  • Notifying about contests, discounts and offer alerts
  • List of nearby hotels and their Customer reviews
  • Availability of public transport
  • Photo gallery
  • Sightseeing tours
  • Info on domestic and international agencies
  • Emergency calling

With the help of developing a powerful app, you can provide an easy and much simplified travel experience to your app users. Once they decide the destination, your app can also offer them discount coupons for their affordable expedition. An eCommerce module for the tourism mobile app will allow the users buying some essential things for their journey such as bags, footwear, backpacks, caps, sunglasses, etc.

With the right navigation and powerful mobile application, you can offer a brilliant service to your mobile audience. You just have to get it delivered on the right platform and the right company. We, at Ecosmob, have a talented team of iOS and Android mobile app developers. Being in this niche for many years now, we have designed and delivered a lot of mobile apps for iPhones and Android smart phone users. We have successfully delivered a bunch of robust apps to a huge clientele across the globe. Reach us here for getting a free consultation on your app development!

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