IT Staff Augmentation Services – How To Find Reliable Agencies And Benefits Of Outsourcing In 2022

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Staff Augmentation
It Staff Augmentation

When companies grow, one of the biggest hurdles they have to cross is finding the right talent. Added to that is the fact that they have fluctuating IT needs. If companies don’t have the backing of a well-qualified workforce they fall behind the innovation curve. This can cost them money, project delays, and negative ROI. Right IT Staff Augmentation Services can help your Organization to improve the productivity on time with quality and save money.

To stay ahead of the curve and meet today’s fast-changing customer expectations and business requirements, organizations need easy access to professionals who specialize in the latest technologies. IT staff augmentation services are emerging as a solution. It is enabling enterprises to grow without facing talent shortfalls.

Staff augmentation solutions allow organizations to add people based on the skill requirements of their projects. It’s helping companies grow their workforce base without having to take on the liabilities of adding full-time employees. Staff augmentation services enable enterprises to cut down on costs, deliver projects on time, and stay ahead of competition.

In 2021, nearly 7 out of 10 companies reported talent shortages and faced difficulties in hiring the right resources. This is a huge 69% and was the highest number recorded in 15 years. 

Resource augmentation solutions from reliable IT staffing service providers can help enterprises successfully launch their products in the market on time and overcome issues like difficulty in finding the right, skilled resources at the right time. They also remove the hassles of recruitment, payroll management, and other organizational activities.

In this blog, we will take a step-by-step look at how companies should understand their staffing requirements, find the right partner, and make it work for them. 

When do you need Staff Augmentation?

As organizations grow, they need to expand their workforce quickly, with the right talent. How does your organization know that it is the right time to opt for staff augmentation?

  • New projects and coming in and you need to expand your team.
  • The products that your company develops require specialized skills. Staff augmentation solutions help organizations reach the best-fitting people from anywhere in the world.
  • You experimented with outsourcing your product development to a third-party vendor. However, that created challenges as there was no direct contact with the team and that meant they were not aligned with your business goals. This challenge is dissipated with staff augmentation as your team will report directly to you.
  • Your business is growing and new projects are pouring in. On the flip side, sudden growth often translates into talent shortage and missed deadlines. Workforce challenges can be easily met with staff augmentation services.
  • You plan to become a company with a worldwide presence. Just as a digital hot foil stamping machine precisely imprints designs with flawless detail, you’ll need a strategic approach to stamp your presence in new markets. With staff augmentation services, you can hire skilled talent from anywhere in the world, ensuring your brand makes a strong, lasting impression across global centers.

How to find the right Staff Augmentation provider?

You’ve decided on using the Staff Augmentation outsourcing model to fill the talent gap in your organization. But how do you zero in on a provider who has the right experience and expertise to provide you with the best professionals? Here are some ground rules to follow.

Evaluate the service provider’s portfolio

Get in-depth and end-to-end information on the service provider’s work record and reputation. Look in their expertise domains. What do their current customers say about them. Their standing in the market. The kind of projects they have handled in the past. Outstanding success stories. This will help you enter the partnership with confidence and you can expect to benefit from a long-standing relationship.

Evaluate your needs

You should have a clear view of what your outsourcing requirements are and what you need from your staff augmentation service provider. Are you looking for a specific technical skill? Do you want to grow your team to complete a business-critical project on time? Do you want to scale your business? You should know weather you need temporary or long-term staff? Answer these questions before you approach your service provider.

Assess the qualifications and experience of their staff

Since you will be working with the staff augmentation service provider’s team of developers, ensure that you know their professional records well. Find out what tech stack they are adept in, check for their professional qualifications, and understand how they have contributed to the projects they have worked for in the past. It’s also important to know whether their soft skills (like good communication and on-time deliveries) are up to the mark, as they will have to work as a part of your team.

Check for pricing and the quality of service offered

These are two boxes that need to be ticked on a priority basis. The pricing that the service provider offers should be within your company budget. Also, you must ensure that they have high-end specialists with the relevant tech skills who can work for you.

Find out the additional benefits that the service provider offers

If you are hiring a lot of people from your staff augmentation service provider then check for any additional benefits or discounts that they offer. Providers that offer tailor-made schemes to their clients have the interest of their customers in mind and will walk the extra mile to make outsourcing a smooth experience for them.

Go for a service provider located in a time zone that suits you

Do you want your outsourced development team to be near-shore or offshore? You must find out if the team is flexible about working hours and can log in at a time that suits you. If the time schedules don’t fit, it might hamper communication and collaboration.

How to gain maximum traction from Staff Augmentation

Staff augmentation has many benefits for businesses. To get staff augmentation to work at maximum potential for you, here are some main steps to follow:

Find out what you want out of your workforce

Collect all information about your talent requirement. If you have a clear view of what you are looking for then you will add people with the right skill set. For example, if you’re looking for QA engineers, you would want someone proficient in the technologies you deploy. You should also have clarity on whether you need talent on a temporary or a long-term basis.

Reach out to a reputed staff augmentation service provider

Once you sign on the dotted line with a staff augmentation service provider of your choice, your outsourcing partner will shortlist candidates who are best suited for your roles and send you their qualifications, work, and career details. You can conduct your own interviews and go for the talent that you consider most suited for your work.

Get your team fully on board

Once all the talent spotting and hiring formalities are complete, you can onboard your team. The process can be done physically or virtually. You can brief your new employees on the project, company guidelines, and have an extended team working in cohesion with your in-house employees.

Grow. Stop. Grow. You can scale as per your work requirements

With staff augmentation services, you don’t need to keep employees on the bench. Hire as per your needs and scale whenever the volume of work grows. You enjoy instant access to a readymade talent pool of people with proficiency in diverse technologies.

Benefits of Staff Augmentation

Staff Augmentation brings diverse benefits to organizations. If you are still on the fence about opting for this outsourcing model, here are advantages to consider:

Stay lean

Staff augmentation helps enterprises hire the right experts whenever they need them. When the project is finished, the company can return the IT staff and re-hire as per later requirements.

Save on infrastructure cost

With an outsourced team, you don’t need to add any additional infrastructure to your existing stock. Your extended team members will bring their own tools and not have any basic infrastructure demands from your organization.

Stay in constant touch and in control of your extended team

With staff augmentation, you gain a huge advantage that other outsourcing models don’t offer. You stay in constant touch and have complete control over your new team. This ensures that all company guidelines are followed and products are delivered as per norms and client requirements.

Find the best talent, easily

Staff augmentation service providers help enterprises quickly fill their IT resource gaps with the right specialists, who bring the right skills to the table.

Your internal team gets to work with qualified professionals

Your internal team works with proficient professionals. This has a positive impact on the organization. You also get to have an international team, as you pick the best from across the world.

Ride over market swings with a flexible workforce

Small companies often find it challenging to take on market fluctuations. With staff augmentation, they can scale their teams as per their need. This way, they don’t face unnecessary losses and can rapidly implement project processes.

Say goodbye to extensive paperwork

As your recruitment and training requirements reduce, you save on a lot of paperwork. The work of writing employment contracts and creating training programs gets greatly reduced as your service provider will take up all these responsibilities.

With the right talent on board, you maximize product security

Human errors can lead to security concerns in products. With staff augmentation services, you hire the right talent, reduce technical and coding mistakes, and boost your product’s security.

Save recruitment headaches, increase your team’s efficiency with Staff Augmentation

The demand for skilled talent is growing at an exponential rate in today’s world. Using staff augmentation services, enterprises can bring on board the right professionals, lower infrastructure and employee costs, and increase flexibility and transparency. This is making Staff augmentation services a must-have outsourcing model for organizations.

If you are looking for expert staff augmentation services, feel free to get in touch by connecting at

Related Read: Why is Staff Augmentation a Solution for All Your Hiring Problems

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