Thrive by Starting On Demand Delivery Service With the Help of Android App Development Service

2 minutes read
Android Application
On-Demand App Development

There is no time like the present (the Covid19 Era!) to launch a venture and succeed. Let us admit it: working as an employee is no fun as employers cut pay and demand longer working hours. This is for entrepreneurs. Then there are innumerable restaurants and shops that wait forlornly for customers to walk in but in vain. They too can benefit. The solution for both is on-demand delivery service made possible and easy with the help of Android application development service.

On-demand explained

In brief, on-demand meets you must be able to handle orders and deliver whatever is ordered within a scheduled time frame. Such on-demand services usually have custom made apps or a white label on-demand delivery app from specialists in Android apps development. On-demand is a thriving industry with about 86 million Americans using such services according to a survey by Burson Marsteller. Fees paid by consumers will exceed $ 57 billion. There are various sectors within the on-demand delivery market that you could enter as a startup or as a boost to your existing business.

– Transport services (cars, three-wheeler, bikes)
– Food delivery
– Grocery delivery
– Pet care
– Laundry or domestic chores
– Healthcare
An app by an expert in Android application development is what you need. The app is deployed and downloaded by users.

The different business models

On-demand delivery service app can be tailored to suit different business models:


You could start as an aggregator and tie-up with real service providers like restaurants if you plan to go the food delivery route, and simply fulfill orders. On one side you have restaurant owners using the app and on the other, you have a delivery fleet. You sit in the middle with apps for both categories of users, a backend for you, and an app for customers.

Expand to on-demand delivery

This is for existing businesses such as retail shops and service providers who would like to reach out to more customers beyond their location. On-demand Android app development would be simpler in this instance. You deploy an app for customers and another for delivery personnel, tying the two together into a backend you control to manage orders, dispatches, and payments.

There are several other models such as B2B, B2c, peer to peer, each requiring custom approach to mobile app development.

Apps are more complex than you think

Apps for on-demand delivery service are more complex than you assume which is why you would be better off engaging an expert in Android mobile application development. The apps are the front end and should allow:

For the user
– Browsing products or services
– Placing orders
– Making payment
– Tracking
– Reward system, if any

For delivery personnel
– Log in, see location on the map, GPS tracking
– Availability of delivery assignments
– Confirm pickup, confirm delivery

Backend for operator
– Connects to both types of app and synchronization of data
– Manage orders and assign them, assign delivery
– Mark items as delivered and payment received
– Send and receive messages
– Analytics

There is more but the above should give you an idea of how complex the system is and the need for an android app development expert to put in place a seamless, smoothly working system to make your on-demand delivery business a success.

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