IoT Solutions To Reshape Automotive Industry

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IoT Solutions To Reshape Automotive Industry

The automotive sector is one area where internet of things or IoT is helping to reshape not only design and manufacturing but also distribution, services and in-vehicle experiences. If IoT helps to streamline manufacturing and give a better customer experience it will directly contribute to more profits and growth for an automotive manufacturer.


With competition so fierce and cost of development of components so high, there is no margin for errors in manufacturing. Implementing IoT solution in each manufacturing department can contribute hugely to reduced cost, improved performance, reduced ejection of parts and overall quality control at all levels. Sophisticated sensors linked to appropriate hardware with the right IoT linking software can reduce dependence on manpower, lower costs, speed up processes and result in higher quality components. It is not just parts and components but also delivery speeds, compliance to emission and other norms and collaborative workflow where IoT development plays a pivotal role. Car makers manufacture some components in-house and source some assemblies from subcontractors in which instances too IoT can help in seamless integration, flow of information and economies in manufacturing as well as sourcing.

Smart cars

People use smartphones and expect cars to be smart which drives automotive manufacturers to include a host of features with onboard sensors and computers that have wide ranging capabilities such as identifying driving patterns, sensing driver’s moods, braking, warning, delivering data about road conditions, health of the engine, smart navigation and entertainment. Given customer expectations it is no surprise that automotive industries either associate with specialists in IoT application development or acquire such technology companies.

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Sales and Services

IOT could possibly reshape the way cars are sold, which is usually through dealerships. IoT and big data could help manufacturers streamline dealership channels and reduce overheads. Big data with IoT could help car makers derive insights into what people are looking for in cars and come up with developments that could help meet customer expectations. Services are just as important as sales and experts in IoT development can design IoT solutions that track a vehicle’s condition, send reminders, and, in general, deliver a better customer experience.

The scope is vast for IoT in automotive industry. Even suppliers to OEMs can benefit with the right set of plug and play IoT solutions from developers specializing in automotive IoT development. OEMs will find it to their advantage to call in specialists in IoT development for specific implementation in manufacturing or services or from the car user’s perspective.

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